Plot no 229 gali no 7 ashok vihar phase 3 gurgaon pincode 122006+91-7836824024
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time should I allow before contacting the moving company?
Atleast 1 week
How much time does a pre-move survey take at my home?
Usually one to two hours
How do I know what I can and cannot take with me?
Our move coordinator will assist you in the process.
Why do I need insurance if everything is packed professionally?
Items can get damaged due to unforeseen circumstances like accidents in the moving process.
What is insurance coverage based on?
On the declared value
What are my responsibilities during the moving process?
Provide documents like transfer letter or joining letter and copy of RC book for your vehicle moving.
How can we help you?
Relocation is quite a hectic task that consumes a lot of time and efforts of the individuals. Declutter your home, collect Packing boxes, and initiate packing consumes lots of time of individuals and is a cause of great stress for them